How To Give A Cat A Pill – Tips For Easy Administration
You can give a cat a pill with food, pill givers, or by hand. Learn the best techniques to make giving pills to your cat less stressful in detail.
By: Elizabeth Rikas

The information in this article is intended to educate cat parents and is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. In case of any concerns about your cat’s health, please talk with your veterinarian.
Cats are wonderful companions, but it can be a big concern for their owners when they get sick. Giving pills to cats can make the situation even more challenging. As a pet owner with over ten years of experience, I often hear people ask, How To Give A Cat A Pill?
By nature cats are independent animals, and may not cooperate when you try to give them pills. They might even scratch if you try to force them. However, it is important to ensure your cat gets the medicine they need to stay healthy.
There are several ways to give pills to cats. You can hide the pill in food, give it to them gently by hand, or use a towel to wrap them up safely. Many methods can make giving pills to your cat easier and less stressful.

If you wish to know what factors to consider, what tools and techniques to use, and what tips can help while administering the pills, please read all below mentioned details carefully.
What To Consider Before Giving Your Cat Tablets
Before attempting to give your cat a pill, it’s essential to consider a few factors:
- Ensure you have the correct medication and dosage as prescribed by your veterinarian .
- Check the expiration date on the medication.
- Read the instructions carefully and do exactly as it says.
- If unsure, don’t hesitate to ask your vet for help.
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What Is The Easiest Way To Give A Pill To My Cat?
Every cat is different, so there isn’t one perfect way to give them a pill. Some cats might eat a pill hidden in their food, while others might need a different approach. You should try different ways to see what works for your cat.
One good way is to hide the pill in their food. This works well if you:
- Put the pill in a small amount of wet cat food, tuna, or a soft treat that you can shape around the pill (like Pill Pockets).
- Use a small amount of food your cat will eat instead of a big portion they might not finish.
Some cats might spit out the pill, so it’s important to:
- Watch your cat while they eat the food with the pill.
- Watch them for a bit after they finish eating.
How To Give A Cat A Pill By Hands – Scratch-Free Methods
Giving your cat a pill straight into their mouth might seem scary, but if you do it right and practice, it can be safe and easy. Let’s go through the steps one by one.

Hold Your Cat
To administer your cat a pill, ensure they remain calm. Select a location where both you and your cat feel at ease.

You can try:
- Having your cat sit on your lap.
- Holding your cat on a table or counter while you stand.
- Wrapping your cat in a blanket or towel, with only their head coming out.
Make The Pill Ready
Cats might think your hands close to their mouth are dangerous, so they might bite. To protect your fingers, use a pet piller. It’s a long plastic stick that helps you put the pill deep in your cat’s mouth without getting chomped.
Put the pill in the piller and make sure it stays in place. Put the piller in that hand, which makes you feel stronger.
Softly Part Your Cat’s Lips
Place your other hand on the top of your cat’s mouth, with your thumb near the back on one side and your fingers on the opposite side. Softly press to encourage your cat to open its bottom jaw.
If they don’t want to, keep holding their upper jaw, and use one finger of your other hand to softly push down on their front teeth. Keep the piller in your hand while you do this – you want to be fast!
Always remember that cats open their mouths by moving their lower jaw down, not by moving their upper jaw up. Continue the process of pushing gently you will see that your cat opens its mouth.
Put The Pill In Your Cat’s Mouth
When your cat’s mouth is open, put the piller in so the pill goes as far back in their mouth as possible, close to the base of their tongue. Push the plunger to release the pill.

Keep Your Cat’s Mouth Shut
To keep your cat from spitting out the pill, gently hold their mouth closed with one or both hands. Don’t let their mouth open.
Help Your Cat Swallow
You can do a few things to help your cat swallow:
- Gently rub their throat.
- Blow softly on their nose.
Keep doing this until you think they’ve swallowed (it’s tough to know for sure with cats.) One sign is nose licking by cats after swallowing a pill.
Be patient. Cats might spit out the pill a few minutes later. If your cat spits it out, stay calm. If your cat seems okay, you can try again right away. If they seem upset, wait until they relax before trying again. Call your vet if your cat keeps saying no to the pill.
Give Your Cat A Treat
After giving your cat a pill, always tell them that they did a great job and give them a treat. This makes it end on a happy note for your cat.
The Towel Wrap Method Of Giving Pills To Cats

If your cat hates taking pills, you can try using a towel. Wrap your cat tightly in the towel, but make sure their head sticks out. This trick makes them feel more relaxed and keeps them from trying to scratch or bite. How it works, let’s discuss in detail:
- Put a big towel on a table and place your cat on it with their back facing you. Make sure they are in the center of the towel.
- Wrap the towel tightly around your cat, as if making a cozy wrap like a burrito for a cat.
- Put your arms on the table on both sides of your cat. Put your hands near their neck.
- Press down with your arms so your cat can’t move around too much. Pet their neck or chin to help them feel calm.
Most cats enjoy being wrapped in a warm towel, but some may not. If your cat struggles a lot, it’s better not to wrap them. Instead, hold them gently but securely on your lap. You can put the towel on your lap first if you like.
What if This Does Not Work Either?
If you’ve applied all these ways and your cat still won’t take the pill, don’t worry. Call your vet and ask for more help. He/She might be able to suggest different treatments or tell you some other tricks to try.
Useful Tools For Giving Pills To Cats
Getting cats to take pills can be hard, but some tools can be really helpful in completing the task. With some practice you can give your cat their medicine without too much trouble.
Let’s explore some helpful tools that make pill time less stressful for you and your feline friend.
Pill Giver

A pill giver is like a syringe with no needle. It has a soft end where you put the pill and a plunger to push it out. This helps you put the pill in the back of your cat’s mouth without using your fingers. Many people find it easy to use. Get the pill ready in the giver before holding your cat.
Pill Cutter

A pill cutter is a small tool for cutting pills in half or quarters. This is good when your cat needs less than a whole pill or when giving smaller pieces is easier. Always ask your vet first if it’s okay to cut the pill. Some pills have special coatings and need to stay whole.
Special Pill Capsules

You can get empty capsules from your vet. They can hold small pieces of one or more pills. This helps if your cat needs more than one kind of pill or if you need to break a big pill into smaller bits. Always ask your vet before giving more than one type of pill simultaneously.
Pill Crusher

A pill crusher turns pills into a fine powder. That way, you can put it in your cat’s food. Some crushed pills can be mixed with a little water or oil and then given to your cat using a syringe (without a needle). Always check with your vet first, as this won’t work for all pills.
Safety Tips When Giving A Cat A Pill
- Always give your cat the amount of medicine your vet tells you to.
- Never force your cat to take a pill if they are struggling or becoming distressed.
- Be patient and take breaks if necessary.
- After giving your cat the pill, give them a treat and tell them they did well.
- Watch for signs of adverse reactions, such as vomiting or diarrhea, and contact your veterinarian if you notice anything unusual.
- Put all medicines at a place where kids and pets can’t get to them.
Frequently Asked Questions
To sum up, giving a cat a pill can be challenging, but with the right techniques and a little patience, it can be done safely and effectively. Always give your cat the amount of medicine your vet says, and don’t make them take a pill if they are very upset or fighting against it. If you’re having trouble giving your cat the pill, don’t wait to call your vet for more help and ideas.