Why Do Cats Love Catnip? Know The Truth Behind This Craziness

Catnip contains nepetalactone which causes cats to act crazy-rolling, meowing, and hunting behavior. Learn why cats love this herb in detail. Limit intake to avoid disturbance.

By: Lana Koh

why do cats love catnip

The information in this article is intended to educate cat parents and is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. In case of any concerns about your cat’s health, please talk with your veterinarian.

Fun, stimulation, and good feelings are the common observations in the companionship between cats and their owners. However, there is a herb that is better than humans at making cats feel relaxed, excited, and happy, and this herb is known as Catnip.

When cats smell this plant, their behavior changes in a strange way. The oil nepetalactone found in catnip activates specific receptors upon smell. These receptors further sense pheromones and force cats to do peculiar movements.

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You might now have queries like why cats love catnip, whether all cats react to catnip, how long its effect lasts, and more. Let’s explore it in detail.

What Is Catnip?

Catnip is a perennial herb (found all over the world) that belongs to the mint family. It is filled naturally with an oil, nepetalactone. When cats smell or eat catnip, it causes them to behave strangely and amusingly, like rolling around, meowing, and generally acting a bit crazy for a few minutes.

catnip herb

What Are The Other Names For Catnip?

Catnip is also known by other common names such as Catmint, Fieldmint, Catswort, and Catnep. Its scientific name is Nepeta Cataria.

Where Did Catnip Come From?

Catnip is native to Europe, Central Asia, and parts of the Middle East. Afterwards, it was introduced to North America, and now it grows freely all over the United States and Canada, even worldwide.

Different Uses Of Catnip

In addition to being a cat attractant, catnip has many other uses for humans. It can be brewed into a calming tea, used as a natural insect repellent, and has some medicinal properties when ingested.

How Does Catnip Work?

The secret behind catnip’s rapid effects on cats lies in its chemical compounds. Catnip contains nepetalactone, an aromatic terpenoid compound commonly known as an oil. When a cat smells nepetalactone, it triggers receptors that respond to cat “pheromones” or chemical communication signals. As a result, cats start behaving differently.

What Does Catnip Do To Cats?

Exposure to catnip causes noticeable changes in a cat’s behavior. They may start rolling around, pawing at the air, meowing, zoning out, and engaging in repetitive motions like licking or chewing.

what catnip do to cats

Some cats become mellow and calm, while others become energetic and hyperactive.

Why Do Cats Love Catnip?

There are scientific reasons why cats are drawn to catnip and react to it so positively. Scientists believe the effects of nepetalactone make cats act like they’re responding to ‘pheromone’ produced when cats sweat. This makes them do things to play or act on their hunting instincts, like:

  • Marking territory by rubbing and rolling
  • Hunting movements like chewing, licking, and biting
  • Increased affection and sexual activity

Catnip makes cats react naturally like they’re mating, hunting for prey, or marking their territory.

why do cats love catnip

It’s an intense but pleasurable experience for cats.

For How Much Time Do The Effects Of Catnip Stay?

The catnip craze doesn’t last forever. For most cats, the intense effects typically only last 5-10 minutes. After the cat gets excited by the catnip, it might not be interested again in it for around half an hour to 1-2 hours. This happens because it gets used to the catnip and isn’t affected by it for a bit.

Do All Cats Like Catnip?

No, catnip doesn’t affect all cats. Experts estimate that around 30% of cats don’t have any reaction at all. The catnip response is also hereditary, so some breeds may be more likely to respond than others. Kittens under 3-6 months old usually don’t react until they reach sexual maturity.

How To Give Your Cat Catnip?

There are a few different ways to expose your cat to catnip:

  • Grow fresh catnip and give it to your cat.
  • Buy dried catnip and sprinkle it on bedding, toys, or scratch pads.
  • Purchase commercial catnip products like sprays or bubbles.

Be sure to give your cat limited quantities, as overconsumption can cause digestive issues.

how to give your cat catnip

Rotate new and old toys with catnip regularly to keep things exciting.

Is Catnip Bad For Cats?

When used in moderation, catnip is perfectly safe and non-addictive for cats. Signs your cat may develop include vomiting, diarrhea, or lack of coordination. As long as you limit portions and take breaks, catnip is an enjoyable, safe treat.

Does Catnip Affect Humans?

While catnip can have a relaxing and sleepy effect when consumed as a tea or supplement, the nepetalactone compound doesn’t cause any psychoactive high in humans. We don’t have the same receptors as cats to trigger the “catnip crazies.” However, certain individuals mention experiencing increased relaxation after consuming catnip for the treatment of achy joints, trouble sleeping and migraines.

Do Any Cats Hate Catnip?

While most cats simply don’t react to catnip at all, a very small percentage, about 30% of cats, seem to actively dislike or even fear catnip. This could be due to an unusually high sensitivity to the nepetalactone compound. If your cat appears afraid or stressed by catnip, it’s best to avoid exposing them to it.

How To Use Catnip For Training

Catnip can help train your cat by rewarding good behaviors. Sprinkle some catnip inside puzzle toys or on scratching posts. This will make your cat want to play with the toys and use the scratching posts, which are good things.

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You can also treat your cat catnip as a special treat when training with a clicker. But don’t give too much catnip during training. Your cat sometimes needs a break from catnip, so it doesn’t stop working. If you give too much catnip, your cat won’t care about it anymore for a while.

Why Do Cats Love Catnip? Frequently Asked Questions

Catnip makes cats act a little crazy for a short time. It might make them hyperactive doing normal cat things like rolling around, jumping on furniture, etc. But catnip is safe and do not hurt cats.

Catnip has multiple benefits for cats. Smelling or eating it can calm them down and make them act playful. Catnip is safe for cats as it’s not a drug. However, eating too much might upset their stomach. Humans can also use it to make tea, treat diseases, and keep bugs away. Overall, catnip is a nice treat for cats.

Although catnip itself is not toxic or addictive, eating too much of the herb can potentially cause vomiting, diarrhea, or lack of coordination in cats. Always give catnip in moderation and monitored amounts.

Kittens under 3-6 months old typically do not respond to catnip as they have not reached sexual maturity yet. Do not give the catnip plant to your baby cat until it becomes a big kitten around half a year old.


Catnip is a herb that cats cant resist. The nepetalactone compound in catnip makes cats act funny for a little while (making them roll around, meowing loudly, etc). Some cats may experience sedation (becoming calm and relaxed after sniffing the catnip leaf). Some cats also experience energizing effects after smelling catnip and can run around really fast with lots of energy.

The strange behaviors only last for a short time. After that, cats won’t react to catnip for a while. You can use it when training your cat, too. Watching your cat go wild from catnip is amusing. It lets cats act out their instincts to mate, hunt, and mark their territory. Cats simply can’t get enough of this harmless treat. As long as you don’t give too much, catnip is completely safe.