Can Cats Eat Dog Food?
Yes, cats can eat some dog food but not all since dogs and cats have different digestive systems and body chemistry.
By: Lana Koh

The information in this article is intended to educate cat parents and is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. In case of any concerns about your cat’s health, please talk with your veterinarian.
Do you keep both dogs and cats as pets and sometimes wonder Can Cats Eat Dog Food?
Dogs and cats have different digestive systems and body chemistry and therefore both need different meals, but still Yes, some common foods can be easily given to both cats and dogs and there’s no or low risk for both of them.
Also Read: Common Cat Food Storage Mistakes
So if you have a cat and dog under the same roof and sometimes find it difficult to manage their food separately or your curious little cat is always checking out the dog’s food bowl, then this article is definitely for you as i will be discussing here some common foods which can be used as a food for both dogs and cats.
Is It Safe For Cats To Eat Dog Food?
The first thing to know whether it is safe for cats to eat dog food or not. Well, there could be two possible scenarios for cats that eat dog food. The first is where a cat accidentally eats a type of dog food that is specially made for dogs only. In such cases, they may experience some minor health issues, while in the second scenario, you intentionally give cat a food that is for both dogs and cats. In the second case, they will easily digest such foods without any GI issues like vomiting and diarrhea.
According to latest veterinary science research you can give dog food to a cat in small quantities.
If a cat has eaten some dog-specific food unintentionally, such food is safe for them if they have eaten it in small amounts, there’s no harm. But we cannot feed dog food to a cat for a long time because, with this, they will face some serious health issues.
Cats & Nutritional Needs
As cats are obligate (strict) carnivore animals they only rely on those food products in which they can have animal-based proteins. The cats require the following nutritional needs:
- Protein
- Minerals
- Vitamins (A & B)
- Amino Acids
- Water
- Arachidonic Acid
- Niacin
What Food Can Cats Eat?
Cats can eat different foods that are prepared especially for them keeping their primary nutritional needs in mind. Cats can also eat some human foods like meat, milk, yogurt, some vegetables, and cooked foods. The following are cat’s favorite foods and you can include them in your food timetable:
- Cooked meat
- De-boned fish
- Cooked eggs
- Pureed pumpkins
- Milk
- Cooked Pheasant
What Are The Differences Between Cat Food And Dog Food?
Cat and dog foods have very different nutritional needs and can’t rely on each other’s food for a long time. Cats have to have their nutritional needs met mostly by consuming large amounts of proteins derived from animal tissues; on the other hand, dogs can adjust to almost lighter and simpler foods with some minimum requirements.
Cats have fewer taste buds than dogs, which means they can eat any kind of food without some important tastes. Cats’ taste buds are one of the core reasons they don’t enjoy most of the dog food. They will eat their core foods without adding extra tastes or flavors.
Cats need high-protein food for their nutrition requirements and dogs subsist on a low-protein diet in comparison. When cats need more protein, dog foods are not suitable for their overall health.
Taurine is an additional amino acid that is only important for cats. When you choose food for your cats, always check the ingredient list and only pick if the correct information is found about taurine. Most dog foods don’t contain this amino acid; therefore, eating dog foods without taurine is a tough and energy-consuming task for a cat’s body.
Arachidonic Acid
Arachidonic acid is an important kind of fatty acid in cats’ food. Because its not made on its own in the bodies therefore they need it in their food. Dogs don’t require this acid in their food because their body itself creates such acid that fulfill their needs.
Cats need different vitamins in their food, especially they want vitamin B more than any other vitamin in their feed. The second crucial vitamin cats need in their foods is vitamin A. These vitamins are not important for dogs because they can easily convert other foods into these vitamins for their body requirements.
Niacin is a combination of vitamin A and B3 required by both cats and dogs for their skin health and proper functionality.
Cats require higher-calorie food in comparison with dogs. But just like us humans, exceeding the amount of calories can make them fatty and unhealthy.
Meal Size
The meal size also differs for both cats and dogs. The cat needs smaller meal sizes as their mouths are smaller than dogs.
List Of Common Foods Items Which Can Be Given To Cats & Dogs?
Here is a list of common foods you can give your cat and dog at the same time without worrying about their health issues. You can also read the food labels to see if they include such ingredients like the following food you can give them
- Salmon
- Bread
- Eggs
- Spinach
- Chicken
- Turkey
- Green Beans
- Broccoli
- Yogurt
- Peanut butter
- Some kinds of cheeses, like cottage and hard cheeses
Are There Any Nutritional Benefits To Feeding Cats Dog Food?
Dog foods are not designed to fulfill all the primary nutritional needs of cats because dog food doesn’t contain the same types and quantities of nutrients like proteins, fats, and other minerals. However, in rare cases and for temporary you can give them common human foods which are listed above.
How To Prevent Cats From Eating The Dog’s Food?
As is clear from various authentic resources and experiences that dog foods are not fit for cats and their body requirements. Now it is important how you can prevent them from eating dog food if you have both under the same roof. Follow these tips to avoid such problems:
- Don’t place dog foods open in the cat’s passing ways or nearby.
- Always follow food schedules and hide this activity from your cats
- Feed at the same time to avoid any kind of disturbances
- Use small tubs, pots, or platforms to feed this will help you hide dog food from cats
- Store dog food in sealed cans or containers
Can Cats Eat Dog Food In An Emergency?
Yes, you can give dog food to your cat in an emergency because for temporary purposes it is not harmful for cats to eat any kind of dog food. But remember, giving such foods regularly to your cats can harm their health and create some critical and permanent issues that can cause big issues.
Frequently Asked Questions
Cats are cute and curious creations and as responsible cat parents, it is our primary responsibility to keep them healthy. It is simple to understand that cats can eat dog food for temporary purposes only. However, this can be dangerous to their health when they continue to consume dog-specific foods for longer periods. If you are out of cat food you can occasionally feed your kitty some common foods as listed above like meat, fish, etc.

About the Author
Lana Koh
Lana is a passionate cat lover with years of experience caring for her feline companions. As a dedicated volunteer at animal shelters, she’s gained valuable insights into the world of cats. Lana channels her love and knowledge into writing informative and engaging articles for fellow pet owners, covering topics like cat health, nutrition, grooming, behavior, and the special bond we share with our feline friends.