Can Cats Drink Milk? The Answer Is Generally No

Most cats are Lactose Intolerant, meaning regular milk leads to vomiting, diarrhea, and stomach pains. Still, water remains the ideal healthy drink for cats.

By: Lana Koh

can cats drink milk?

The information in this article is intended to educate cat parents and is not a substitute for veterinary guidance. In case of any concerns about your cat’s health, please talk with your veterinarian.

If your cat starts circling you when you are drinking milk and you also dribble some milk into their bowl, a few drops are probably safe. However, if you give them larger quantities, be aware of the risk of diarrhea, vomiting, obesity, and other diseases.

If you are wondering how much milk is appropriate to give cats, what potential health issues can arise from too much, and how to tell if your cat is lactose intolerant, this article comprehensively covers all the queries, concerns, and appropriate guidelines regarding cats and milk. Let’s explore the details.

What Do Cats Drink? Common Milk Myths Dispelled

Water is the healthiest beverage for cats to stay properly hydrated. While milk may seem appealing, it is not ideal for cats despite the popular perception. Milk can cause digestive issues and other problems in cats, so avoiding dairy products is best.

Can Cats Drink Milk?

Milk is not good for most cats. Grown cats fail to produce sufficient amounts of the enzymes required to appropriately metabolize and absorb the sugars present in milk. This means the milk sugar, called lactose, passes through the cat’s gut without being digested. The unused lactose can make cats sick, causing diarrhea and vomiting.

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How Does Milk Affect Cats?

Regarding milk effect on cats, veterinary science warns that most cats have difficulty digesting the lactose in cow’s milk, which can cause the following problems:

  • Diarrhea
  • Runny feces
  • Intestinal distress,
  • Watery bowel movements
  • Gas
  • Upset stomachs

Kittens are especially vulnerable since diarrhea can quickly lead to dangerous dehydration of their small bodies. Still, it’s generally safest to avoid giving milk to cats and focus on providing cats with ample fresh water instead.

Benefits Of Milk For Cats

While rare, certain mature cats are capable of consuming milk without experiencing any illness. A small bowl of milk from time to time can be good for these cats. Milk has the following benefits if taken in small amounts:

  • Milk has protein and calcium to help keep cats healthy.
  • The fat in milk can help very thin cats or cats having trouble eating gain needed weight.
  • Milk tastes yummy to most cats, making it a nice snack.

But if cats get stomachaches or diarrhea from milk, take them off milk completely. Checking with a vet is best to decide whether your cat can tolerate a little milk.

Downsides Of Milk For Cats?

Most cats cannot adequately process the milk sugar lactose during digestion. Drinking milk leads to:

  • Upset Stomach
  • Diarrhea
  • Dehydration

Signs your cat may have trouble with milk include:

  • Bloating
  • Throwing up
  • Gas
  • Belly pain
  • Pooping problems after drinking milk

Also, some cats are allergic to the proteins in milk. This can cause:

  • Itchy skin
  • Red skin
  • Losing hair
  • Licking themselves too much

These are signs your cat may need to see the vet for a milk allergy. Since milk does not benefit cats but can cause tummy issues, weight gain, or allergies, cat owners shouldn’t give their cats cow’s milk.

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How Often Can Cats Drink Milk?

If your vet confirms your adult cat tolerates milk well, limit treats to a tablespoon or less once or twice a week. This should be 10% or less of your cat’s daily calories.

why do cats like milk

Milk should be an extra snack, not part of everyday diet.

Is Your Cat Lactose Intolerant?

If your cat throws up, has diarrhea, or passes gas within about 12 hours after having milk, they likely cannot digest lactose anymore. Milk sugar is now causing them trouble. Though these signs are mild and short-lived in many cats, some can get dehydrated from milk if vomiting or diarrhea takes too long. If sickness lasts beyond 24 hours, they cannot keep fluids down or seem extremely low energy; they need the vet.

What Type Of Milk Can Cats Drink?

The only milk cats should drink is a mother’s milk when kittens are born or a commercial kitten milk formula if orphaned. Adult cats are generally lactose intolerant, meaning cow’s milk gives them digestive upset.

What Is The Difference Between Milk And Milk Supplements?

Usually, milk refers to traditional dairy milk from cows. Whereas milk supplements for cats include:

  • Milk Replacers: Special formula made just for kittens lacking mother’s milk that contains proper nutrition levels.
  • Cat Milk: Cow’s milk is modified to remove most lactose and add nutrients cats need. It may include lactase enzymes to improve digestibility.

These products are designed for less GI upset.

Can Cats Drink Milk Alternatives?

While cow’s milk is unsuitable for cats, pet owners may wonder about plant-based alternatives like soy, almond, coconut, or oat milk. However, these options also carry risks as they are highly processed, with additives that felines struggle to digest.

Additionally, some plant milk has a very high-fat content, promoting obesity. Those prone to heart issues or kidney disease should avoid added dietary salt, too.

What Are The Symptoms Of Cats Suffering From Milk Consumption?

Even though cats are good at not showing pain, some signs will appear if milk gives them tummy troubles. Common problems from milk and dairy include:

  • Throwing up
  • Not wanting to eat
  • Loose, watery poop since undigested milk sugar pulls water into the gut
  • Farting from milk sugars that weren’t digested, causing gas
  • Big swollen belly from all the gas
  • Feeling tired or meowing sadly due to stomach ache

When a cat who is used to tolerate milk drinks gets sick, they’ll usually feel better in less than a day. But giving milk to a cat often, even if they like the taste, can cause lasting digestion issues over time.

Why Do Cats Like Milk?

Cats enjoy milk because it has a sweet flavor and more fat that appeals to their taste buds. However, cow’s milk contains a sugar called lactose that most cats cannot properly digest once they are adults.

how often can cats drink milk?

Be sure to give your cat limited quantities, as overconsumption can cause digestive issues. Rotate new and old toys with catnip regularly to keep things exciting.

Frequently Asked Questions

You may only give your cat a cat milk supplement if the vet recommends extra calories for underweight cats, reducing diarrhea risk for milk-loving cats by providing lactose-free products, replacing mother’s milk for orphaned unweaned kittens, and facilitating bonding for cats that enjoy milk. However, supplements simply provide treatment options, not necessities.

It might cause harm and can kill cats if used excessively. The unused lactose sugar in milk can result in vomiting and severe, dangerous diarrhea, which causes dehydration in cats. Kittens may tolerate some milk, but adult cats should not have any as they lose the enzyme to digest it properly as they mature.

Nursing kittens drink only their mother’s milk until weaning starts around four weeks. Then, kittens sample solid foods while still nursing and begin lapping water provided for the mother cat and her litter.

Cat milk sold in stores has less lactose to prevent sickness. But it still carries high fat for potential weight gain. This milk can be an occasional snack if calories are balanced with reduced main meals. Yet nutrition may be compromised by substituting milk for complete cat food.


The answer to “Can Cats Drink Milk?” is NO, except for special kitten formula or special kinds of milk made just for cats with less lactose sugar. This is because most cats stop making enough of the enzyme that breaks down lactose after they are weaned as kittens. The milk sugar has nowhere to go, so it causes vomiting, diarrhea, and bellyaches.

Pet Owners should never give cows or other animals milk to cats. Clean, fresh water always makes the safest drink that all cats can handle without any problems.